The county is providing this table of property tax
rate information as a service to the residents of the county. Each
individual taxing unit is responsible for calculating the property tax
rates listed in this table pertaining to that taxing unit and providing
that information to the county.
The adopted tax rate is the tax rate adopted by the governing body of a taxing unit.
The maintenance and operations rate
is the component of the adopted tax rate of a taxing unit that will
impose the amount of taxes needed to fund maintenance and operation
expenditures of the unit for the following year.
The debt rate is the
component of the adopted tax rate of a taxing unit that will impose the
amount of taxes needed to fund the unit's debt service for the following
The no new revenue tax rate
is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of revenue in the
current tax year as was generated by a taxing unit's adopted tax rate in
the preceding tax year from property that is taxable in both the
current tax year and the preceding tax year.
The no new revenue maintenance and operations rate
is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of revenue for
maintenance and operations in the current tax year as was generated by a
taxing unit's maintenance and operations rate in the preceding tax year
from property that is taxable in both the current tax year and the
preceding tax year.
The voter-approval tax rate
is the highest tax rate a taxing unit may adopt before requiring voter
approval at an election. In the case of a taxing unit other than a
school district, the voters by petition may require that a rollback
election be held if the unit adopts a tax rate in excess of the unit's
rollback tax rate. In the case of a school district, an election will
automatically be held if the district wishes to adopt a tax rate in
excess of the district's rollback tax rate.
Click here for more information on Truth in Taxation